An online sub-brand of MaltaCEOs

A high-profile online series of 50 interviews featuring prominent businesspeople, aspiring young entrepreneurs, C-level executives, professionals, and people in management.

The serialisation of 50 interviews is being featured as an integral part of, the leading corporate and C-level online portal. Each interview will also be featured on the social pages of, both on Facebook and LinkedIn, and each interview will be featured prominently in The MaltaCEOs Weekly, the digital weekly newsletter sent to business leaders and professionals every week.

The 50 Business Leaders 2022 is a project aimed at shedding light on each of the 50 leaders’ business success stories, and their journey in the world of business. The online interviews discuss the individual’s take on vision, goals and their evolving skills that have shaped them to become the leaders they are today.

The 50 Business Leaders 2022 also showcases the intricate legacy of family businesses that have become an institution, by featuring both young, as well as veteran, business leaders within the legacy of family business institutions.

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